Amazon Brand Store and A+ Content

  • Client: Skybags
  • Service: Amazon Brand Store and A+ Content
  • Industry: Lifestyle - Luggage and Bags
  • Target Audience: 13 onwards ( Men, Women, Children)

Revamped Skybags' e-tail presence on Amazon Marketplace to embody 'Move in Style,' transitioning from a bold to a balanced approach that caters to both standout and understated tastes.


To establish a distinctive brand presence for Skybags on Amazon, craft content that encapsulates the brand's essence of "Move in Style”.


Skybags sought to refresh it's Amazon Brand Store, transitioning from it's previous emphasis on bold, standout designs to a more balanced, inclusive approach. Experience Commerce developed a content strategy that reflects this evolution, creating visuals and messaging that appeal to a broad audience—whether they seek to make a statement or embrace a subtler style. This strategy ensured that Skybags remained true to its promise of helping customers "Move in Style" across all preferences.

A+ Content

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