Time with Experience Commerce6 Years

Let's kick things off with your vibe!
Some say you are a shy person
some say an extrovert,
are you?
I'm not big on chatting up strangers, you know? Quick and to the point is my style with them. But when I'm kicking it with my crew, it's a whole different story. I guess you could call me an ambivert - I've got my quiet moments and my social side, depending on the vibe.

What is working like with EC? Roads of rose petals or thorns?
I think it's a bit of both. Taking the easy road just makes you lazy, where you won't try something different. It's better to have thorns because knowing what failure is like makes you stronger and better.

Diving into the EC groove - Do clients become Too Demanding? Or you have been lucky with your clients?
Every client is different, you know? Some just want the world to burn, and others just want good work. But no matter their preferences, it's our job to adapt and deliver exactly what they need.
Late-night rendezvous with client calls about deliveries - Are you the superhero who swoops in or do you let it go to voicemail?
Hahaha, I never let it go on voicemail. The only thing that swoops in and saves our day or night is a can of Redbull.

When the deadline's knocking, what's your go-to excuse for not delivering on time? Is it as creativeas our work?
When we set a timeline for the project, we've got to stick to it, no ifs, and buts (well, maybe just a few buts). Shilpa, I'll definitely get that calendar to you soon, pakka promise.
What's something about you that people haven't discovered yet?
There's no mystery here - I'm an openbook. If you want to know anything about me, just swing by my desk.

Who is your favourite Client?
Working with RCB (Royal Challengers Bengaluru) and Fortune at EC was truly a highlight for me. They were both amazing clients, each bringing their own set of challenges and rewards. Currently, I'm finding Nissin Geki to be an exciting brand to work with.
From all the rad projects at EC, which one takes the cake as your absolute favourite?
There have been many where I stayed in office for 2-3 days straight, but still waiting for the special one where I can say- yes this is it.
Your favourite memory in EC?

After two years of working from home due to COVID, we finally returned to the office. To celebrate my birthday, Sagar, Shrinath, Suyog, Swapnil, Wayne, and Aniket went all out. They decorated my desk with lots of balloons, changed everyone's desktop wallpaper to my photo, and displayed a birthday wish posteron the projector. To top it off, they connected a speaker and played a birthday song on full blast, all just to see me embarrassed. Despite the embarrassment, it's my favorite memory and will stay with me for years.

When you're not conquering the design world, how do you slay in your free time?
I'm a big anime fan. Sometimes, when I'm at home, I cook or just dish out some dark jokes.

What is something you can't survive without?
Daily visit to the chaat vendor downstairs with Suyog and the gang.
In the EC squad, who's your ride-or-die, the go-to person when the going gets tough?
There are 2 people who are like brothersto me, and I have always relied on them, do I have to say their
names? Sagar and Shrinath, (in order of age, so please don't fight).
Who is that you just don't like or don't see eye to eye with?
Ok at least give us hints.
I don't think there is anyone like that; no one has time to keep grudges because advertising is a very small place. Just talk it out and move on, or better yet, have a cup of tea with that person.
We hear you have to burn the midnight oils many times a week, Is it true? How do you cope up with this?
With some epic music, laughter and some help from RedBull.

What are you most proud of?
I'm really proud of Swapnil, Sameer, Aniket, Dipak, Prathamesh,and Vinaya. I've never come across such a weirdly talented bunch of designers who can outshine any other designer, both with their words and their designs.

So, spill the classified info - any epic plans on the horizon?
Thinking of learning black magic. Will make you proud, Doel Sensei.

Who holds the crown as your absolute favourite in EC? Someone you really appreciate.
Pooja. I have to mention her name because if someone tells her I didn't, I'm sure she will definitely KILL ME or just put extra salt in my food.
Who's your role model, the guiding star of your epic journey?
Many have guided me in my journey, starting from my mom, dad, and my brothers. In advertising, Ashwini
taught me a lot. And last but not least,
my wife Akshata - I've learned so much from her. I'm a better
person because of her.
Piece of advice to any new joiner at EC?
Just be who you are and don't stress too much. And an important bit, make sure you remember the Values of
EC, this might be the first question for you in our epic Townhall.

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